Our process

Development workflow

Software development process

Agile. Progress of the project can be controlled daily on development servers and in our Jira or your project management tool

Transparent. All the tasks of your project will be described in the project management system in S.M.A.R.T.  way.

Automated. We use Jenkins tools that allows you with one click check the result of any task on a development server or even send the change to a production server.

Stable. For long-term projects, we set up monitoring and debugging software to prevent issues on production – Zabbix, Sentry

Team responsibilities

Lead developer
Product Owner
Quality Assurance
Release Engineer
Lead developer defines the specifications of the project from Product Owner (PO), writes them down in a google docs or Jira. Then he creates a tickets, based on specifications from PO.
Approves that the ticket is covering the specifications.

After planning session the ticket is assigned to the Developer who will write the code.

Developer picks up the ticket (Ticket status becomes "in Progress") and works on it. After the task is finished - the ticket is assigned for Code Review to Lead Developer (ticket status changes from "in Progress" to "Code Review", assignee - Lead developer)

Approves that the task was developed according to the description of the ticket.

  • If everything is OK - the ticket goes to status "to Release" and is assigned to Release Engineer.
  • If not OK - the ticket goes back to "Reopened" and is assigned back to Developer.
Approves that the task was developed according to the description of the ticket.

  • If everything is OK - merges the ticket with master and changes the status to "Done”
  • If not - the ticket goes back to "Reopened" and is assigned back to Developer.

Development highway

Product Owner

Deliver new features to the team

Team Lead

Convert PO ideas to developer friendly tasks and create it in Jira.


Pick up task from sprint and start to develop new features.

Quality Assurance

In that point QA check all test instructions provided by developer.

Release Engineer

When all features has been done and all test verified. It’s time to release new feature